BIO Personals
I've been single-stranded too long!
Lonely ATGCATG would like to pair up
with congenial TACGTAC.
Menage a trois! Ligand seeks two
receptors into binding and mutual
phosphorylation. Let's get together
and transduce some signals.
Some dates have called me a promotor.
Others have referred to me as a real
operator. Personally, I think I'm just
a cute piece of DNA who is still
looking for that special transcription
factor to help me unwind.
Highly sensitive, orally active small
molecule seeks stable well-structured
receptor who knows size isn't everything.
There must be a rational way to meet a
date! I'm tired of hanging out in
those molecular diversity bars, hoping
to randomly bump into the right
peptide. I want a molecule that will
fit right into my active site and
really turn me on. I'll send you my
crystal structure if you send me
Gene therapy graduate. After years of
producing nothing but gibberish, I've
shed my exons and am ready to express
my introns. All I need is a cute
vector to introduce me to the right host.
My RNA, I'm sorry I misread your UAAUAAUAA
and inserted three tyrosines
when you repeatedly asked me to stop.
Something got lost in the
translation. Please forgive me.
Naked DNA with sticky ends seeks
kanamycin-resistant plasmid. EcoR1 sites
Uninhibited virus seeks reason to make
me shed my coat protein.
This very selective oliogonucleotide
has been probing for just the right
target for long term hybridization.
Mature cell seeks same who still enjoys
cycling and won't go apoptotic on
me. Let's fight senescence together!
I'm a prolific progenitor with great
potential for growth and self-renewal.
Call me if you're a potent
hematopoietic factor who still believes in
endless nights of colony stimulation.
I don't always express myself on the
surface, but I'm looking for a signal
that you appreciate my complexity.
Send me the right message that will
penetrate my membranes, turn on my
protein expression and release my
potential energy
As we took notes, out anatomy
instructor labored through a lecture on
the way nerve cells transmit impulses.
"Who can tell me how these cells
communicate with one another?" he asked,
expecting someone to explain
the phenomenon of neurotransmission.
After a few muffled whispers, one
student finally spoke up. "With
cellular phones?"
Ideal experimental integration
of Physics in Cell Biology: Treating
epidermal solar cells with Growth
Human being to a narrowminded
science-o-holic Cell Biologist:
Human being: "You are so narrowminded,
only preoccupied with your cells.
You don't know anything about the world
you are living in. For instance,
what do you know about culture?"
Science-o-holic: "You mean CELL
Scientifically, maybe body cells
-do- replace themselves completely in
seven years -- but, legally,
you're still married.
--Attorney to client
What did the Smooth Endoplasmic
Reticulum say the the Rough Endoplasmic
Is that Ribosome on you or are
you happy to see me?
Man: I wish I was the enzyme dna
Woman : Why
Man: So I could unzip your genes